
Should Bylaws Documents Be Separate From Policies And Procedures

Article highlights

  • The difference between policies and procedures
  • Why policies and procedures matter to your organization
  • How policy management helps your organisation
  • Finding your policy management software

Every organization, regardless of manufacture, needs well-written policies and procedures to operate effectively.

Organizational leaders should constitute policies and procedures as soon as possible. Not just do they protect your organisation and employees from noncompliance, they too define and shape culture.

Depending on manufacture, noncompliance could atomic number 82 to fines, lawsuits, loss of reputation, or even put your employees at chance. These consequences, too as other unknown risks, oft happen suddenly and unexpectedly, so being proactive and preventative earlier anything happens is the wisest class of activeness.

To keep your organization as protected as possible, policies and procedures should continually evolve. They need to grow with your company, but they also demand to reflect ever-changing federal, state, and local regulations.

If policies and procedures are and then important, what are they? What's the difference between them? Tin can my organization really benefit from policy and process management? In the rest of this article, we will examine these questions and more.

What is the divergence between policies and procedures?

What is a policy?

Policy vs. procedure. Information technology'due south important to understand the departure.

Policies are a prepare of full general guidelines. They outline your arrangement's programme for tackling certain issues.

The purpose of policies is to communicate an organization'south values, philosophy, and culture. They include, only aren't express to, the following:

  • What employees can look from the organization (employee benefits, vacation policy)
  • What the company expects from employees (code of comport, confidentiality agreements)
  • What customers and the community can await from the organization (client service policies)

Effective policies also lay the foundation for a salubrious piece of work culture. Maybe y'all've seen firsthand how policies influence culture, communicate expectations to employees, and guide 24-hour interval-to-day operations. And possibly yous've seen the agin issue of neglected policies.

Good policy is more than only a list of rules. Information technology should evidence employees the purpose behind their jobs and provide ways to mensurate success. What makes a good policy?

  • Articulate, curtailed, and simple language
  • Explains the rule, not how to implement the rule
  • Hands accessible past staff at all times
  • Represents a consistent, logical framework

What is a procedure?

Afterward establishing your organizational policies, procedures are the natural adjacent pace.

Policies set up some parameters for decision-making simply go out room for flexibility. They show the "why" behind an action.

Procedures, on the other manus, explain the "how." They provide step-by-step instructions for specific routine tasks. They may even include a checklist or procedure steps to follow. But at the very least, your procedures should outline the following information:

  • Who is responsible for each task
  • What steps need to exist taken
  • Who the responsible party reports to

Let's look at an case, requesting holiday time, to better sympathise the difference betwixt policy and procedure. The holiday policy determines how much PTO an employee is eligible to take. The procedure lists the steps involved to get PTO approval, or what factors decide who gets priority days off.

Establishing procedures ensures that employees know what to practise and keeps your organization running smoothly, even when cardinal employees are out of the office. What makes a proficient procedure?

  • Clear, curtailed, and uncomplicated linguistic communication
  • Addresses how to implement policies
  • Takes user insight into account
  • Providing options when feasible, not unnecessarily restrictive

What is a process?

Processes explain how to achieve a desired outcome, whether that be a product or service. Processes coil upward under your arrangement's policies and explain how something works at a high level.

Learn more near the difference between policies, processes, and procedures in our buyer's guide to the top policy management solutions.

What is a guideline?

Why policies and procedures matter to your organization

Together, policies and procedures guide your organization and reduce take a chance of liability. They promote consistency across the organization, both for employees and for customers.

Consistency builds a healthy reputation for your organization over time, especially in regard to employee touchpoints with customers. Another term for this is branding. Consistency builds and protects your brand.

Policies and procedures promote consistency across your organization, which builds and protects your brand over time.

Only policies can merely positively impact your organization if they're followed. The responsibleness is twofold: on leadership to communicate policies effectively and on employees to follow them.powerdms-what-are-policies-and-procedures-asset-3_960-737x491

Policy and procedures increase compliance

Every industry has its ain set of laws, regulations, standards, and best practices. These are constantly evolving, so it'south important to frequently review policies and procedures to ensure they comply.

At a bones level, policies and procedures help your organisation comply with federal, state, and local laws.

Many land laws dictate that companies take specific policies prohibiting bigotry and harassment. Your organization should cover these andother cadre employment policiesin the employee handbook.

Of form, complying with employment law is but the beginning. Policies and procedures should go above and beyond legal standards. Good policy binds your organization to manufacture best practices.

Policies and procedures improve internal processes

As companies aggrandize and evolve, internal processes can get convoluted. Internal processes are defined as the steps taken to bring about a particular result.

Policies and procedures bring clarity to internal processes, ensuring they achieve the desired end and helping employees provide more value to customers.

But this simply happens if you and/or your administrators regularly review and update policies to fit your organization'south changing needs.

With policies and procedures constantly evolving, information technology's important to document and track how things are done over time. Tracking versions of documents can assistance you improve internal processes. The right policy direction tool will store and rails versions of disquisitional documents, simply more on that later.

Let's wait at an example. Policies at a healthcare middle may require all employees to receive 20 training hours each yr. When the centre first started with merely a few employees, they did in-person staff preparation. But as the eye hired more employees, getting everyone in the classroom for annual training became more complicated. The whole process started taking up administrative hours and dollars that could be meliorate used elsewhere.

Every bit the clinic's administrators reviewed this internal process, they plant a style to adjust training procedures to save time and money. The solution? They adopted preparation management software, which empowered their staff to complete training someday, anywhere. At present they save money on instructors and no longer have to work around everyone's decorated schedule.


Policies aid you navigate incidents and crises

Policies and procedures tin foreclose workplace incidents by putting proper safety measures in place. If an incident does accept identify, good policies and procedures become operations back to normal at a faster rate

For example, if a workplace accident occurs, procedures explain what actions the employee and his manager need to accept. The procedure could list the proper forms that need to be filled, what incidents qualify for workers comp, how to utilise for workers comp, etc.

After an incident, reviewing policies, procedures, and incident reports can help your squad identify what went wrong. Then you can take steps to prevent similar accidents in the future.

Policies and procedures also keep your arrangement from overlooking incidents, which prevents them from turning into a crisis.

What is the difference betwixt an incident and a crunch? A workplace incident happens internally and can interrupt mean solar day-to-twenty-four hour period operations, whereas a crunch usually happens externally and tin be harder to anticipate.

Some experts estimate that a large company will confront a crisis at least once every seven years. Examples of crises include disasters, faulty products, malware attacks, lawsuits, and more. They can threaten your arrangement's finances, reputation, or ability to continue providing services.

In the example of a PR crunch, for example, good customer service, social media, and advice policies tin help your organization reduce damage to its reputation.

Why every industry needs policies and procedures

Law enforcement policy

Policy has e'er been important in police enforcement. Just keeping updated policies has go even more important in the last few years with police accountability condign a hot topic.

Constabulary enforcement is inherently dangerous, complex piece of work. Police force officers need to have the proper preparation and access to policies in order to protect themselves in the field, and those they serve. For instance, policies on apply-of-force can help build trust between law departments and their communities.

Some police departments brand certain policies public to promote police force accountability. The right policy management tool can help your system share important documents with your community.

Fire policy

For firefighters, knowing and post-obit procedures can be a affair of life and death. Firefighters demand to work every bit a team to answer to emergencies apace and effectively. If at that place's even one weak link, it can put the unabridged team in danger.

Policies on training, medical screenings, first response, and equipment maintenance certify that firefighters are ready to do their jobs well. Other policies and procedures ready guidelines to help firefighters make decisions in dangerous, high-pressure situations.

Healthcare policy

Lives are on the line in the healthcare industry likewise, making it necessary to have a structured training and policy procedure.

Healthcare organizations encounter more than liability risks than most. But policies and procedures can assist them mitigate run a risk, meliorate compliance, protect private patient information, and provide quality customer intendance.

With healthcare policy oftentimes irresolute, information technology'due south of import to have a structured system for updating policies and disseminating them to staff.

Corporate policy

Corporate policies define the specific guidelines of your company – everything from work-from-home policies to ill policies to other policies specific to your organization or industry.

Corporate procedures detail how to follow policies and processes, like how to operate equipment.

Together, corporate policies and procedures ensure consistent client experiences, keep employees safe, maintain compliance to laws and regulations, and reduce liability.

Larn more about corporate policies and procedures here.

How policy and process direction helps your organization

Throughout this article, we have discussed the difference between policy and process, why they are a necessity for your arrangement, and how the right software can aid. Now let'south talk nigh theimportance of policy managementand how you lot can detect the right policy management software for your organization.

Reviews and updates

Policies and procedures should grow and change with your arrangement, adapting to its needs and industry standards. Co-ordinate to the experts, you lot need to review and update policies at to the lowest degree one time a year. Some policies may need to be revised on a bi-annual or quarterly basis.

Updating policies and procedures should be a collaborative procedure. Administrators need to piece of work with leaders, employees from unlike levels of the organization, and representatives from groups who will be influenced by the policies. Collaborating with all these people, users specially, makes the policy more precise and increases adoption by employees.

The collaboration procedure doesn't have to be difficult. PowerDMS'due south policy and process direction tools let you create automated blessing workflows to interact on new policy drafts. That way, you can track changes, control who can edit/view the draft, and meet the complete history of every document.

Once you're ready to publish an updated policy, PowerDMS automatically archives the old version, avoiding the defoliation of multiple, alien versions of policies and procedures.


Your employees should be able to access policies and procedures at any time. In critical, loftier-pressure situations, flipping through a physical policy manual isn't practical or time-efficient.

PowerDMS provides organizations with a secure, centralized location online for policies and procedures. Employees tin access policies at any fourth dimension, from any mobile device, by pulling up the relevant document with a simple keyword search.

Employee Accountability

Unfortunately, making policies and procedures available doesn't guarantee that employees will read them. New employees should exist trained and tested on policies and procedures during orientation, but fifty-fifty long-time employees will demand reminders.

When policy updates are distributed, you lot should verify that all employees have signed off on it. This protects your organization and your employees from incidents of noncompliance.

Fortunately, PowerDMS lets you distribute policies and collect electronic E-signatures with a couple of clicks. You tin fifty-fifty assign quizzes to examination comprehension and retention.

Finding your policy and procedure management software

Looking for a tool to manage policies and procedures beyond their entire lifecycle? Ideally, you volition need something that manages policy, grooming, and accreditation from a key, digital location. Something similar PowerDMS.

PowerDMS is a single, connected platform for all your policy needs: drafting, revising, distributing, tracking, and collaborating. With built-in features for accountability, automated workflows, version control, and more, you can manage compliance without the headache.

While at that place are other content management solutions like Dropbox or Sharepoint, none of them provide a living connectedness between your policies, training, and accreditation.

Be preventative. Earlier noncompliance strikes, larn how PowerDMS can aid you manage your policies and procedures. All while saving fourth dimension and money. Sign up for a gratuitous and friendly demo today.

Should Bylaws Documents Be Separate From Policies And Procedures,


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