Battlefield 2

Battlefield ii

  • File Proper noun: Battlefield two
  • File Size: 544 MB
  • Author: EA DICE
  • License: Gratis to Try (Shareware)

Minimum System Requirements

  • CPU: Intel Pentium four 1.5GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1600+
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Graphics Card: 128 MB
  • Free Disk Space: 3 GB
  • OS: Windows 10 / 8.i / 8 / 7

Battlefield 2 is a kickoff-person shooting game released by Electronic Arts in 2005, Battleground 2 promises all the hardcore gamers an intense realistic gaming feel. It is actually the tertiary game of the Battlefield franchise. Crisp visuals and terrific sounds amplify the thrill of playing this game ready in mod era warfare.


The plot of the game is part fiction and office real. It is near a group of soldiers with their allegiances to unlike countries and alliances. It reflects the post-Cold State of war world with dissimilar emerging centers of power. A state of war is going on betwixt Communist china, USA, Russian federation, and the Middle E Coalition. It is existence fought on diverse fronts.


The game thrives on immersive gameplay that requires strategic smartness and tactical planning. The multiplayer mode tin can be played using either the Net or the Local Expanse Network. Even if you don't accept admission to either, there is a single-thespian mode. This model has 3 degrees of difficulty. The improved AI ensures that the battles are hard-fought. If you lot and your teammates use the ranked serve to play the game, you lot tin add your rankings to the global players' listing. It makes for interesting match-ups and unlimited possibilities. These rankings can be used to unlock absurd rewards like expansion packs and additional weapons.


This game can be played in two modes: Conquest and Cooperative. The sometime includes missions with the AI players and the latter consist of the existent players. So it goes without saying that the gains in the Conquest mode do not add to the global rankings.

In the first, both the squads are handed a number of tickets. Either reduce the enemy'southward tickets to zero or capture all the control points to consummate the missions. Merely it is easier said than washed. Gritty firefights, close shaves, and coordinated attacks keep the adrenaline levels high. It does not take long to change the entire nature of the game.


As the tertiary installment of the series, we see a definite improvement in the graphics. It runs smoothly with glitches and frame drops. The old armored tanks and helicopters from the previous version of the game have been remodeled to wait fifty-fifty better.


A superb well-calibrated command gives you proper control to affect those clean-as-a-whistle headshots. For the PC gaming clan, this game offers dissimilar degrees of command.

Special Features

The multiplayer mode provides quite a number of exciting features. The squad is commanded past a Commander who exclusively has access to the real-time map of the mission, with the enemy team marked in red. Farther, he has control over a number of cool features like spy drones to keep rails of the enemy movement; artillery strikes tin can exist ordered to assist the squad nether fire. Even an pick to drop a vehicle or supplies is available.


A number of awards and achievements tin be unlocked by scoring additional points in gainsay. Go on collecting the ribbons and badges and become the extra mile to score those prestigious medals.


Battlefield 2 offers a broad array of maps to cull from. A variety of topography ranging from the marshlands of Songhua Stalemate to others similar Strike at Karkand which has a distinctively urban setting is available. Depending on your position, the maps will have soldiers of different alliances. Maps similar Zatar Wetlands have a significant presence of the MEC. Other than the terrain, the maps differ in their sizes. Different maps thus support the different number of players for the Multiplayer Mode. Huge maps and dissimilar terrains give enough room to strategize the moves.

Thus overall, Battlefield 2 makes up for an intense PC gaming experience. Better graphics and realistic sounds are the icings on the cake.

How to install Battlefield 2 on your PC

Follow the steps every bit follows to install Battleground ii on your PC:

  • First, click on the download button and salve the file on your PC.
  • After that, open up the folder where you saved the file.
  • Then Right-click on the cypher file and click on the 'extract here' option from the dropdown menu.
  • Later that, y'all volition notice a Setup file for the game and double click on it.
  • If asked to permit the programme to make changes to your device, click "Yes" to continue.
  • Then you will see an installation box.
  • Then follow the instructions to install the game.
  • After that, Yous tin can now open the game from the Start menu or Desktop.

And there y'all go! You have successfully launched the game.

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